Fruits and vegetables

Whether food and beverages provided at campus meetings and events are catered from an approved on campus or off-campus vendor or dining facility, or you are hosting a potluck or celebration, we have some suggested strategies to provide healthy, nutritious options.

Fruits and yogurt.


Protein – Include healthy proteins such as eggs, yogurt, milk, nuts, seeds or nut butters

Fruit – Provide fresh whole or sliced fruit

Whole Grains – Select whole grain breads and baked goods when possible


  • Eggs – hardboiled, scrambled, or frittatas
  • Fruit and yogurt platter
  • Breakfast burritos with eggs, salsa, turkey sausage (or beans/tofu)
  • Oatmeal or yogurt with topping options on the side of nuts, fruits, granola or seeds


  1. Provide foods on platters for self-service
  2. Request bite-sized portions of muffins, pastries, and desserts


Protein – Choose a lean meat or fish, along with vegetarian option, such as tofu or beans.

Sides – Variety of colorful vegetables, side salads, roasted potatoes, fruit, whole grains.


  • Whole Grain sandwich halves on self-serve platters
  • Baked or grilled chicken, turkey, fish, or tofu
  • Create your own salad bar with a variety of fresh toppings including vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, whole grains, and nuts
  • Vegetable pasta dish with lean protein option – chicken, tofu, or beans


  1. Cut sandwiches and baked goods in half
  2. When available, choose grilled, baked, steamed, or sautéed foods
Carrots, celery, and humus.


When creating healthy snack options, try to pair protein with fiber, this will keep you full and satisfied throughout the afternoon.


  • Vegetable platter with hummus
  • Trail mix with a combination of nuts, dried fruits, and dark chocolate
  • Apples with peanut butter
  • Fruit & Yogurt parfaits


  1. Offer water in pitchers and remind attendees to bring their reusable water bottle.
  2. Choose whole food sides rather than packaged snacks when possible.
Wrap bites.

Food Safety Tips

  • Keep hot food hot at 135oF or above and cold food cold at 41o F or below
  • Perishable foods not kept hot or cold as described above should be discarded after holding for 4 hours or more at room temperature
  • Persons handling food – preparing, displaying, or serving – should wash their hands before handling the food
  • People who are ill should not handle food or utensils
  • When serving food at a buffet, keep food hot with chafing dishes, slow cookers, and warming trays
  • Keep food cold by nesting dishes in bowls of ice or use small serving trays and replace them often
  • Verify that any off-campus food vendor has a valid health permit from the issuing health jurisdiction