Wellness Coaching
Wellness coaching is a program offered to support students by providing individualized strategies to identify and achieve their health and wellness goals. Coaches listen to their students’ concerns and work collaboratively to develop action plans to address their wellness goals. Your coach will offer support and guidance as you embark on your wellness journey. Along the way, your coach will help you discover your unique balance of the 8 dimensions of wellness. Our overarching goal is to empower students to live their healthiest and happiest version of themselves. This is accomplished through motivational interviewing practices, personal reflections, and putting our students in the driver’s seat for their overall health and wellness.
Wellness Coaches can support students in the following areas:
Improved sleep hygiene practices
Increased enjoyable movement
Guidance on general stress management practices
Improved self-care
Strengthen interpersonal relationship skills
Creating and developing a schedule
And more…
Wellness Coaches can work with you to:
Set and achieve short term and long-term personal goals.
Identifying and attaining your unique balance in the 8 dimensions of wellness.
Identify potential barriers to change and develop strategies to overcome them.
Brainstorm strategies and identify resources that can support your success.
Here Is What You Can Expect
Is there a fee for wellness coaching?
Wellness coaching is FREE, and students are allowed up to 6 coaching sessions per semester (fall, spring, and summer).
What happens at the first coaching session?
The first session lasts up to 60 minutes. You will meet individually, in-person or virtually, with a wellness coach to review your current habits, identify your priorities, and create a realistic action plan.
What happens in a follow up coaching session?
Follow-up sessions last up to 45 minutes and serve as a space to check-in about your progress, talk through challenges, and revise goals as needed. Most students find that meeting with a Wellness Coach every 2 weeks provides optimal support while allowing adequate time to work on action steps towards your goals.
What training do the Health Educators receive to do Wellness Coaching?
Wellness Coaches have participated in the Wellcoaches School of Coaching.
Is Wellness Coaching therapy?
It is important to note that Wellness Coaches are NOT therapists or psychologists. If you believe that depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders may be a factor for you, we encourage you to connect with one of the mental health professionals at the Center for Mental Health Care and Resources. https://mentalhealth.gatech.edu/