People of different bodied and abled people dancing expressively on their own but placed all together.

Through the generous allotment from JAC, Wellness Empowerment Center brings The Body Positive to Georgia Tech. The mission of The Body Positive program is, “To teach people how to develop balanced, joyful self-care and a relationship with their whole selves that is guided by love, forgiveness, and humor so they can focus on the things in life that really matter.”

Research completed in 2014 at Stanford University demonstrated that the Be Body Positive model is strongly associated with self-compassion, healthy eating and exercise, more satisfying relationships, emotional well-being, and lower levels of anxiety. 

We hope to bring this mindset to Georgia Tech to create a culture where positive body image, healthful eating, and self-care are the expected norms. 

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Be Body Positive Fundamentals course: A deeper dive into the 5 Competencies for personal exploration

"With the Be Body Positive Fundamentals Course, you have the opportunity to transform your relationship with your body (and whole self) into one that is guided by love, forgiveness, and humor. In this course, The Body Positive’s co-founders, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, LCSW, CEDS-S, bring their work to life through engaging teaching and storytelling. You’ll have access to videos, guided meditations, and worksheets where you can do your own self-exploration with the course material.

You’ll gain tools to overcome the obstacles that block you from:

  • Being as kind to yourself as you are to others
  • Learning and growing through making “mistakes”
  • Developing sustainable eating and exercise habits
  • Trusting your intuitive wisdom to help you make choices—big and small
  • Having a relationship with your body and beauty that is connected to your life force
  • Living with more freedom, confidence, and joy—and finding humor in being human!”

– The Body

Body Positive Health course

This course is an abridged version (2hr) of the full fundamentals course. Not sure if you’re ready for the full course? This is a great place to start! You can decide to complete the fundamentals course after learning more.

Interested in becoming a Body Positive facilitator?

Email us at

These opportunities are open to students, faculty, and staff

Looking to learn more about Body Positivity?  Here are some great resources!

Adios Barbie

The Body Positive

The Body Positive TED Talk

Health at Every Size

Kristin Neff TED Talk on Self-compassion