Wellness Empowerment Center | 404.894.9980
Our Center coordinates VOICE and has full-time staff dedicated to the issue of sexual violence on campus. VOICE Advocates provide immediate and ongoing confidential support to victim-survivors as they cope with an experience of sexual violence, including information on reporting options, regardless of when or where the violence occurred. Advocates can also coordinate with other resources on a student's behalf if they are struggling with classes, safety, or other consequences resulting from their experience. We also provide information, educational programs and outreach, and referrals for Georgia Tech students, faculty, staff, and administration regarding sexual assault, rape, dating or domestic violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and related issues. An on-call advocate is available 24/7 (see Get Help for all contact information). You can also check out books through our online library collection.
The Wellness Empowerment Center offers programs and initiatives that focus on a wide variety of health and well being topics that impact students.
Have you experienced sexual violence or have questions related to victim-survivor support, referrals, accommodations, and reporting options and need to speak to a VOICE Advocate?
For confidential support contact us at 404.894.9000 24 hours per day.
Appointments are available for individuals affiliated with Georgia Tech.
Georgia Tech Resources
Center for Mental Health Care & Resources | 404.894.2575
The Center for Mental Health Care & Resources offers free confidential short term counseling services for Georgia Tech undergraduate and graduate students. Survivors may be referred off campus for longer term counseling.The Center offers a therapy group Journey in Healing for survivors of sexual assault and/or dating violence who identify as women. Contact CMHCR for an intake to access individual or group counseling services.
After business hours, students in crisis can call either 404.894.2575 and select the option to speak to the after-hours counselor.
Office of the AVP and Dean of Students | 404.894.2565
The Office of the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair provides academic accommodations and other assistance for students with medical and personal emergencies. To access these services during regular business hours, students and/or their families may notify the office at 404.894.2565. In the event of an after-hours emergency, individuals should contact the Georgia Tech Police Department at 404.894.2500 and request that the Dean on Call be contacted. There is an emergency Dean on Call at all times to assist students in need. This resource is not confidential. VOICE Advocates can coordinate academic accommodations on your behalf.
Title IX Coordinator | 404.385.5583
The Title IX Coordinator is the designated Institute official with primary responsibility for coordinating compliance with Title IX. This includes providing leadership for Title IX activities; providing consultation, education, and training; and helping to ensure the Institute responds appropriately, effectively, and equitably to Title IX issues, including sexual violence. Reports can be made to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator in the relevant area. This resource is not confidential. See Reporting Options for more information about reporting and investigations or file an online report.
Office of Student Integrity | 404.894.9193
The Office of Student Integrity (OSI) is the designated Institute official with primary responsibility for coordinating sexual misconduct hearing and investigations and hearings for non-sexual misconduct related offenses. OSI also coordinates and issues No Contact Directives. This resource is not confidential. See Reporting Options for more information about reporting and investigations.
Stamps Health Services | 404.894.1434
Stamps Health Services provides post-assault care for survivors and services for sexual and reproductive health needs. Use the online portal to schedule an appointment in the Primary Care Clinic or call the Women's Health Clinic at 404-894-1434 for appointments for pelvic exams and Pap Smears, contraception, including emergency contraception, STI screening and treatment. Stamps Health Services does not, however, collect rape kits. See below Community Resources for agencies that provide sexual assault evidence preservation exams. More information about evidence preservation can be found here. In addition, all pharmacies, including the Pharmacy at Stamps offers emergency contraception over the counter without a prescription. The Wellness Empowerment Center hosts free HIV testing events throughout the year. For off campus options for STI testing, see Community Resources below.
Georgia Tech Police Department | 404.894.2500
Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) officers can support the investigation and prosecution of cases, ensure the well-being of the victim, and transport victims to a rape crisis center or hospital for treatment. This resource is not confidential. Contact a VOICE Advocate for more information about reporting to GTPD. If you are in crisis or in need of assistance after hours, contact GTPD and ask to speak to an on-call advocate. You do not have to disclose your name or any information to GTPD when you call to be connected to the on-call VOICE Advocate.
Community Resources
Dating/Domestic Violence and Stalking Resources
24/7 Crisis Line, emergency shelter and transitional housing program, support groups, Temporary Protective Orders, and community education. These agencies are in confidential locations.
Partnership Against Domestic Violence (Fulton, Gwinnett)
Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence (Dekalb)
LiveSafe Resources (Cobb)
Family Haven (Forsyth)
Securus House (Clayton)
Sexual Assault Resources
24/7 Crisis Line, Sexual Assault evidence preservation exams, counseling, and support groups. Since hospital-based programs tend to take longer and have less privacy, VOICE recommends LiveSafe Resources which is located about 17 miles from campus.
LiveSafe Resources (Cobb)
Grady Rape Crisis Center (Hospital-based center in Atlanta)
Southern Crescent Sexual Assault Center (Clayton)
Mosaic Georgia (Gwinnett)
Specialty and Community-Specific Resources
Raksha | 404.876.0670
Culturally responsive services to South Asian survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault including multi-lingual counseling, advocacy, and community education. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. EST.
Tapestri | 404.299.2185
Crisis counseling, case management, legal advocacy, immigration assistance for refugee and immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
BRIDGES | Videophone: 404.381.8282
Advocacy and support for Georgia’s Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-deafened, DeafBlind community, as well as children of Deaf adults (CODA), who have experienced domestic violence. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. For crisis support after hours, please contact the National Deaf Hotline at 1.855.812.1001.
Caminar Latino | 1.855.226.4627
Georgia’s first and only comprehensive domestic violence intervention program for Latino families including support groups, accompaniment to court, assistance with Temporary Protective Orders, access to shelters and counseling, and crisis intervention and advocacy.
Ahimsa House | 404.452.6248
24/7 statewide crisis line, emergency shelter for animal victims of violence while their families seek safety themselves, veterinary care for pets with injuries and other health conditions due to the abuse, and legal advocacy to assist survivors with including pets on temporary protective orders.
Men Stopping Violence | 404.270.9894
Works to engage men and teach strategies that create safer communities for women and girls. MSV leaders offer nationally-acclaimed education and programs on initiatives such as Because We Have Daughters®, Tactics and Choices for stopping domestic violence, Community Restoration Program and more.
Alma Domestic Violence Foundation | 1.844.435.6468
Strives to educate, empower and celebrate survivors of domestic violence while helping them to achieve financial stability, self-sufficiency and an understanding by providing advocacy, counseling, legal assistance, job placement, financial literacy, and education and training.
Legal Resources
Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation | 404.521.0790
The largest provider of pro bono legal services in Atlanta supporting low-income Atlantans as they demand safe and stable housing, insist on fair pay for an honest day’s work, and break free from intimate partner abuse. AVLF’s Intimate Partner Abuse Program includes the Safe Families Office, a lawyer and domestic violence advocate-staffed clinic in the Fulton County Courthouse for assistance filing Temporary Protective Orders (TPO).
The Latin American Association | 404.638.1800
The Latin American Association (LAA) offers affordable legal services to help eligible individuals obtain immigration benefits. This work includes direct services to provide general immigration legal services, immigration relief for victims, removal defense legal services and Permanent resident card.
Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service | 404.521.0777
This program was designed to help you find an attorney qualified to fit your legal needs. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for a free or reduced-fee consultation. Use the Online Referral Request Form on their website or call to request a referral for your legal need. For assistance outside the city of Atlanta, contact the bar association in the area where you live.
Fulton County Family Division One Stop
The One Stop helps people through the process of obtaining a Temporary Protective Order (TPO) for domestic violence or stalking in Fulton County. Until further notice, applications for Temporary Protective Ex Parte Orders may be submitted online to request a video hearing. Contact the Safe Families Office at 404.612.4324 to see if you qualify for legal representation at no cost, offered to victims of intimate partner violence and stalking who are seeking TPOs.
Georgia Victim Legal Assistance Network
The Georgia Victim Legal Assistance Network (VLAN) is a partnership between the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network, and the Georgia Legal Service Program. Partners work together to provide quality civil legal services to victims of crime across Georgia. VLAN attorneys provide legal representation in Protective Orders, Divorces, Custody, Housing, Education, Healthcare, Benefits, and Immigration cases. VLAN Navigators also assist with supportive services such as assistance with:
- public benefits applications
- victim’s compensation
- emergency housing assistance programs
- referrals to social service organizations
- referrals for medical/mental health services
- other supportive services
Medical Resources
Planned Parenthood | 404.688.9300
440 Moreland Ave. SW Atlanta, GA 30316
Emergency Contraception, birth control, pregnancy testing, STI testing, LGBTQ services, Women's Health Care, Men's Health Care, HIV services. STI Testing panel costs around $105.
Empowerment Resource Center | 404.526.1148
230 Peachtree St. NW Atlanta, GA 30303
STI screening/testing, HIV testing, birth control, pap smears and wellness exams, HIV speciality care, on site pharmacy, behavioral health.
Fulton County Board of Health | 404.613.1401
10 Park Pl. SE Atlanta, GA 30303
Birth control, STI screening, HIV testing, immunizations, and reproductive examinations.
Publix Pharmacy | 404.253.3547
950 W. Peachtree St. NW Atlanta, GA 30309
Medications including emergency contraception.
Urgent Care 24/7 | 404.721.0444
285 Centennial Olympic Park Drive NW, CU-2A, Atlanta, GA 30313
Open 24 hours per day Monday-Sunday. Treatment for injuries and drug testing if you believe you may have involuntarily ingested a substance.
Labcorp Atlanta | 404.523.5722
550 Peachtree St. NE 1460, Atlanta, GA 30308
Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Drug testing if you believe you may have involuntarily ingested a substance.
National Resources
RAINN | 1.800.656.HOPE (4673)
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) provides services and support to sexual assault victims and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline, a free, confidential hotline to support sexual assault victims 24/7. RAINN also educates the public about sexual assault prevention, prosecution, and recovery and works nationally to improve victim services.
1 in 6 offers a 24/7 online helpline where men and the people who care about them can chat one-on-one with a trained advocate and a free and confidential weekly online support groups for men who have experienced sexual abuse or assault.
Know Your IX
Know Your IX (KYIX) is a national survivor-run, student-driven organization focused on ending campus sexual violence. KYIX has information on how to file a Title IX complaint, why campuses are involved in sexual violence reporting and adjudication, how to support a survivor, and how to prepare for reporting violence.
me too Resource Tool
Tarana Burke who is the founder of the #MeToo movement started this non-profit to help survivors find healing, and it includes a curated collection of resources and organizations dedicated to helping survivors based on experience, need, and community.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline | 1.800.799.7233 or 1.800.787.3224 (TTY)
The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers a 24/7 crisis line for survivors of dating, intimate partner, or domestic violence. They can put you in touch with your nearest crisis shelter and provide safety planning. They also have a web chat crisis line available through their website. Additionally, their website also provides information on survivor support and resources for LGBTQ survivors, survivors who are deaf or hearing impaired, and survivors who are immigrants.
Take Back the Night Foundation | 1.567.742.8837
The Take Back the Night Foundation (TBTNF) offers the National Sexual Assault Legal Hotline 24/7 for survivors of sexual harassment, rape, and sexual assault. The legal team listens without judgment and provides support and resources. All information is protected and confidential. The intake form response time is within one business day.
The Network/La Red | 1.800.832.1901
The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, SM, polyamorous, and queer communities. 24-hour hotline.