Campus Assistance

If you would like confidential assistance in notifying the proper authorities (law enforcement, Title IX, etc.) and/or accessing accommodations and resources, the VOICE Advocates in the Wellness Empowerment Center can be contacted during business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) at 404.385.4451 or 404.385.4464, or by walking in to Stamps Health Services Suite 232.

Confidential resources also include:

Center for Mental Health Care & Resources 404.894.2575 
Stamps Health Services 404.894.1420

VOICE Advocates can also assist in accessing these and other resources.


Have you experienced sexual violence or have questions related to victim-survivor support, referrals, accommodations, and reporting options and need to speak to a VOICE Advocate?

For confidential support contact us at 404.894.9000 24 hours per day.

Appointments are available for individuals affiliated with Georgia Tech.  


You may choose to file a criminal report with GTPD, or you may also choose to file a complaint with Institute officials including the Title IX Coordinator, the Office of Student Integrity and/or the Office of Human Resources. You can choose to report to some, all, or none of these options, and an Advocate can help you make an informed decision. If you are unsure about filing a police report, you can have a forensic medical exam (if applicable) within a window of 5 days after the incident, and decide later (up to 12 months). Additionally, photographing your injuries and saving any texts, e-mails, screenshots, or other types of evidence may be helpful if you choose to report.


If a responsible employee (non-confidential resource) at the Institute receives any information about an incident or parties involved, Georgia Tech is obligated under federal law to promptly investigate the incident. You may choose to participate in the Institute’s investigation and disciplinary proceedings as you wish. A VOICE Advocate can discuss your rights and options in more detail and provide you with support and assistance throughout the process. You have the right to be notified of the outcome of any disciplinary actions taken by the Institute, and to be informed of any appeal procedures.


At your request, the Institute will assist you as is reasonable in keeping you safe from the assailant. This may include issuance of a no contact directive and/or providing alternative academic, work, or living arrangements if these options are available.

Crime Victims Compensation

You may qualify to apply for assistance with out of pocket expenses such as medical bills, lost wages, and mental health counseling. VOICE Advocates can assist you with the application process. You may also qualify to apply for assistance through the Division of Student Life’s Students’ Temporary Assistance and Resource (STAR) program or the VOICE Emergency Fund.

Program Evaluation Survey

VOICE may email you a Program Evaluation Survey in the future as part of our federal grant requirements, and we hope the information will help us improve our services. The survey is optional and confidential and completed surveys do not include any identifying information.


All identifying information shared with the VOICE Advocates will be held in confidence and will not be disclosed without your permission, with some exceptions:

  • The VOICE Advocate has reason to believe that you or others are in imminent harm
  • In cases of suspected child, elder, or vulnerable adult abuse
  • A subpoena or court order requires the release of information

Your records are generally protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and not subject to disclosure under the Georgia Open Records Act (ORA). If records are disclosed pursuant to the ORA, personally identifiable information will be redacted.

Pursuant to the Clery Act and Title IX purposes, information about sexual violence incidents is reported to the Institute to track crime statistics for the public.

Federal grant stipulations require VOICE to report information about clients served and sexual violence incidents to our funders. VOICE uses an electronic system called Osnium to record identifying information about students and incidents. Osnium is shared internally among the two VOICE Advocates only.

Your name or any identifying information about you WILL NOT be included in any information reported externally from VOICE unless you explicitly request so.